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freepokerwithfriends|Int'l system facing multiple threats, challenges unprecedented in modern history -- SCO initiative

2024-07-04 19:05:13

ASTANAfreepokerwithfriends, July 4 (Xinhua) -- The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) said here Thursday that the international system with the United Nations at its core is facing multiple threats and challenges unprecedented in modern history.

freepokerwithfriends|Int'l system facing multiple threats, challenges unprecedented in modern history -- SCO initiative

The existing international peace and security architecturefreepokerwithfriends, international relations and the global trading system are gradually disintegrating, and geopolitical rivalries and arms races are intensifying, according to an initiative calling for solidarity among countries to promote world justice, harmony and development issued as the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO is underway in Astana.

The UN charter and the universally recognized basic principles and norms governing international law have been systematically undermined, it said.

It also warned that geopolitical rivalry has intensified, unilateral sanctions violate international law and harm the interests of developing countries, adding that trading systems and supply chains built up over decades are being damaged.