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strippokercamtocam| Supor: Some directors and senior executives plan to reduce their shares in the company

2024-05-20 03:37:14

strippokercamtocam| Supor: Some directors and senior executives plan to reduce their shares in the company

Securities Times e Company Newsstrippokercamtocam, Supor (002032) announced on the evening of May 19 that company director Su Xianze, chief financial officer Xu Bo, deputy general manager and secretary of the board of directors Ye Jide planned to reduce the company's shares by 68,363 shares, 47,404 shares and 16,339 shares respectively within 3 months after 15 trading days, that is, from June 12 to September 11. During the period, a total of 13 shares is planned to be reducedstrippokercamtocam.210,000 shares, accounting for 0.017% of the company's total share capital.