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discomaniamegaways| Taihe Holdings: The debt was fully paid off, Jinzhou Jiachi's deposit was transferred 1.1 million yuan

2024-05-22 10:27:09

News summary

discomaniamegaways| Taihe Holdings: The debt was fully paid off, Jinzhou Jiachi's deposit was transferred 1.1 million yuan

Newsletter text

[Taihe Holdings disclosed that the debt under the financing agreement has been fully settled]

Taihe Holdings received a written letter from the agent on May 16, 2024discomaniamegawaysThe outstanding debts under the financing agreement, including principal, interest and other payables, have been fully settled.

The agent will cancel the guarantee in accordance with Taihe Holdings 'announcement on March 5 and no longer take any claim against the borrower.

At the same time, approximately RMB 1.1 million in deposits from Jinzhou Jiachi Bank were withdrawn and transferred to an account designated by the Chinese court to enforce the court's judgment. At present, Jinzhou Jiachi has not received other relevant notices or documents.

Jinzhou Jiachi and its legal team are actively collecting further information and seeking appropriate solutions.

The company's shares are currently suspended.