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2024-05-03 14:28:02

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[COMEX gold futures trading volume hit an all-time high] according to the latestPokerstarsbiggameReal trading volume in COMEX gold futures reached an all-time high this week, according to the database. The number of orders accumulated in this range is eye-catching, showing the strong interest and investment enthusiasm of the market in gold futures. It is worth noting that the sharp rise in trading volume is mainly due to uncertainty in the global economy and increased inflationary pressures. In this context, investors show a greater preference for gold, a traditional safe haven asset. In addition, with the gradual recovery of the global economy, the demand for gold is also increasing. Especially at a time when global inflationary pressures are rising, gold is becoming more attractive as a safe haven. Generally speaking, the substantial increase in real trading volume of COMEX gold futures reflects the strong demand and investment enthusiasm for gold in the current market. At the same time, it also shows that the value of gold as a safe haven asset has been highly recognized by the market under the background of global economic uncertainty and inflationary pressure. Investors should pay close attention to the further developments of the market in order to make wise investment decisions.