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makeablockchaingame|河南凯捷水处理无烟煤报价:1850元/吨 河南宝兴环保科技310元/吨

2024-05-05 00:28:08

Newsletter summary

Henan anthracite price update, Capgemini water treatment quotation 1850 yuan / ton, Baoxing environmental protection science and technology 310 yuan / ton.

Text of news flash

The latest anthracite market price has fluctuated. The latest price of anthracite produced by Henan Kaijie Water treatment Co., Ltd. is 1850 yuan / ton, while the product price of Henan Baoxing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is 310 yuan / ton. there is a significant difference between the two prices. Among them, the anthracite products of Henan Kaijie Water treatment Co., Ltd. are domestic high-quality coal, and the delivery place is located in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. The fluctuation of this price may be related to factors such as supply and demand in the local market, transportation costs and coal quality. On the other hand, the price of anthracite products of Henan Baoxing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is also low, and its delivery place is also located in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, which may be related to its lower production cost and market positioning. To sum up, the price fluctuation of anthracite market reflectsMakeablockchaingameDue to the market strategies and product positioning of different companies, investors in the secondary market need to pay close attention to these changes in order to make more informed investment decisions.

makeablockchaingame|河南凯捷水处理无烟煤报价:1850元/吨 河南宝兴环保科技310元/吨