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asiangamesjakarta1962| What is the license plate number prefix in Huaian City?

2024-05-19 10:10:33

Huaian City, located in the central and northern part of Jiangsu Province, China, is the central city in northern Jiangsu. It is famous for its developed transportation hub and long history and culture. In Huaian City, automobile culture is also rich and colorful, among which the prefix of the license plate number includesasiangamesjakarta1962Rich information. Next,asiangamesjakarta1962We will discuss in detail the significance of license plate number prefixes in Huaian City and the history and rules behind them.

Principles for setting license plate number prefix

In China, each region has its own license plate number prefix. These prefixes are uniformly stipulated by the state and generally consist of the abbreviation of the province and the sorting letters of the prefecture-level city. Jiangsu is abbreviated as "Su", and Huaian City has the serial number "H" among prefecture-level cities in Jiangsu Province, so the license plate number of Huaian City is prefixed with "Su H."

Historical evolution of license plate number

The setting of license plate number prefix has a profound historical origin. Before the 1990s, the prefix of Chinese license plate numbers was relatively simple, with no letters and only a few digits. With the development of transportation and the rapid growth of the number of vehicles, the prefixes of license plates have gradually been enriched to meet the needs of different regions.

The distinguishing significance of license plate number

The license plate number prefix is not only a regional identification, but also represents the administrative scope to which the vehicle belongs, which is of great significance for vehicle management, traffic monitoring and the implementation of related policies. What car owners should understand is that when they drive across provinces or cities, the difference in license plate number prefixes will directly affect their driving route selection, vehicle restriction regulations, etc.

asiangamesjakarta1962| What is the license plate number prefix in Huaian City?

What is special about license plate numbers in Huaian City

The license plate number of Huaian City is prefixed with "Su H", which reminds people of the rich land and long history of Huaian City. Huai 'an not only has the ancient water transportation line of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, but also the hometown of Premier Zhou Enlai and has profound cultural heritage. The license plate number of Huaian City is not only a symbol of transportation, but also a symbol of city culture.

Identification and query of license plate number

In Huaian City, car owners can inquire about license plate numbers through the local traffic management department, including vehicle registration, violation records, etc. In addition, you can query the license plate number through the online platform to quickly understand your own license plate information and ensure the compliance of vehicle travel.

Table: List of license plate number prefixes in Jiangsu

Serial number Prefecture-level city license plate number prefix 1 Nanjing Su A2 Wuxi Su B3 Xuzhou Su Casiangamesjakarta1962.asiangamesjakarta1962........ 11 Huaian Su H12 Lianyungang Su G

Through the above detailed introduction, we can see that the license plate number "Su H" in Huaian City is not only an administrative need, but also a reflection of regional culture. It is very beneficial for car owners to understand the story and rules behind the license plate prefix in Huaian City.